Latest UPDATE Oct. 27th 2024: We heard the judgement on the 22nd of October and the verdict was i (or rather the legal name being forced upon me) was found guilty of Refusal to Comply to a Demand (breath test) and other charges/fines. My friend Fred was found not guilty, just a minor fine (act in commerce/ forced contract) was imposed upon him which, based on the slave system in place, would be the right decision.
This was as expected and the next step is filing an appeal to the Court of Appeal where they would (or may) adhere to the laws of equity and common law – BUT that may be wishful thinking under a de facto governing body ruled by the corporate elite (among others).
Let’s collect names as we move forward and see if our highest courts recognize the law and the definition of the word “free” as described in history and in law.
Latest UPDATE Sept. 29 2024: We had 2 court dates on the 23rd and the 27th of this last week. The first thing that was addressed were the Motions we filed. As stated in the previous update below, the Crown presented a Summary Dismissal and that Dismissal was granted without even a discussion as we were labeled OPCA litigants – just a travesty as far as the justice system is concerned: automatic violation of natural justice as our right to be heard was quashed.
What followed was the trial and the Crown presented evidence – officer testimony – and we cross-examined the witnesses. It went well for us here as we were able to discredit key parts of the officers’ testimonies. I cannot get into details as the judgement comes on the 22nd of October.
Speaking to the 2nd day of trial, the prosecutor came back with more ammunition in here final admissions – probably because of the flaws in thier witness testimonies. We found flaws in this new angle and even the judge challenged her on something. We addressed these flaws and then entered our closing arguments which the prosecutor had little to nothing to say for her final close.
I would like to add a video here and provide more details but it would be best to wait for the final judgement so I will do it after the next court date. I will say, I believe that it will go in our favour. If your in Bancroft on the 22nd of October come and spend a day at the court house and meet some of the local freedom loving people up here.
Also, I was charged for virtually the same victimless crimes on the 7th of September and I would expect things to play out the same. Things are getting interesting.
Latest UPDATE Sept. 19 2024: The Crown intends to try and Dismiss my 3 Motions based on the grounds that they are frivolous. They use a previous a case against me as case law and that was over 10 years ago when I lacked knowledge and experience. In short, this is what is happening here: I am stating (I will use what should be a familiar line to us all) “the nation of Canada is founded upon principles that recognize the supremacy of God and the rule of law”. This all regards natural law/rights endowed by the Creator to man under the rules of common law. …What they are trying to say is, that this is nonsense – man made laws made by the corporate (artificial person) ruling government are supreme over man (natural person) – that which created the (artificial) corporate government. What a great deception to control the people. One founding common law principle states, “The law regards the order of nature” and another states, “The laws of nature are unchangeable.” What will the judge decide in favour of???
The Crown’s Summary Dismissal.
Case 8 Call Out to Action
Calling all freedom lovers in the Bancroft, Belleville and surrounding areas… I will be in court in Belleville on September 23rd for a “criminal charge” of “failure to comply to a demand” – but let me just call that what it really is: “failure to submit to slavery/tyranny”.
The courtroom number is 202, it’s at 10am or soon after and the address is 15 Bridge Street West.
Looking for people to share this web page and video as well as support myself and my friend Fred who was also charged – the arrests happened in March of 2023.We have been to court 7 or 8 times times now and it has been a complete shit show to say the least.
For more details – i recorded almost every interaction with these so called public servants – visit my website page at https://nomoretyranny.net/case-8/
I have just recently filed documents (all files below) over the last month as I have sent 3 Notice of Liability documents to Doug Downey and company – with no response yet. The notice basically challenges them to provide verifiable evidence that there is a contract between them/ a corporation whereby I have waived my natural God-given rights which are protected under the rules of equity and the common law.
I have also filed a Notice of Application that “should” (based on the documentation I have put together within it) stop corporate agents/ alleged public servants as it is “an order”. I received an unacceptable response of “nonsensicle” from the judge who just reviewed it. So, without this Application being heard in a court, it was dismissed for this reason as I was once again labeled. I’m just collecting names as I go a long with their oppressive system that they keep forcing me to play in (the public: which is defined as, bodies politic or corporate). I recommend reading the Notice of Application (which is supposed to have gotten me to a higher court than where the trial level is (Superior Court over Ontario Court)) as this Notice is to your benefit for a number of reasons, namely – education of the law of the land and your natural God-given rights that have long been recognized in the courts of common law and documented history.
For the trial date of September 23rd: I have filed 3 Notice of Motion docs (attempts to “move” the court). The 1st motion addresses being “labeled” an Organized Pseudo-legal Commercial Argument (OPCA) litigant as Meads v Meads is being used heavily by judges that are either incompetent or corrupt. Regardless, this case law is full of holes and I debunk 4 key points within it.
The 2nd motion is actually establishing the “exact wording” in the acts and codes that they are trying to associate us with. A long established founding principle of law states, “words of an act, must not be departed from.” This motion goes into detail in 7 pages and is a good read and the basic truth is that the word “person” that is used in these acts and codes is NOT a Man or “individual” or “natural person”. What the word person in these acts/codes means is “artificial person” or “legal person” – a “corporation”. This is also addressed in the first motion quashing Justice Rooke’s BS.
The 3rd and final motion addresses section 15 of the Criminal Code of Canada which addresses “no person can be convicted by persons in de facto possession of a sovereign power”. This is exactly what is taking place as the lawfully established governing body of the Dominion of Canada ceased to exist in 1931 and this motion addresses these facts. You can also learn more about Canada’s history at www.themythiscanada.com.
Thank you to those who helped out with these documents – you know who you are.
Please forward this info to fellow freedom loving people, specifically those in the Bellevile and surrounding areas. If there is a good number of people in the courtroom on the 23rd, it will put pressure on the man who is “acting” as a judge – pressure to do what is right and just according to the laws that founded the provinces of the de facto Canada, or rather CANADA.
Come to court and Judge the Judge!!
Hope to meet everyone on the 23rd of September.
Notice of Liability
NOL 1: 1st Notice of Liability Sent August 13th 2024 documented in email records.
NOL 2: 2nd Notice of Liability Sent August 30th 2024 documented in email records.
NOL 3: 3rd Notice of Liability Sent September 17th 2024 documented in email records.
Final Notice soon to be served
Notice of Application and Exhibits.
File 1: Notice of Application (for natural status under God / Peace Bond.
File 2: Affidavit of Service.
Exhibit 1: Government of ONTARIO is a “corporation”.
Exhibit 2: Government of CANADA is a “corporation”.
Exhibit 3: CANADA corporation on the SEC.
Exhibit 4: Provicial CORPORATIONS.
Exhibit 6: Blackstone’s Commentaries on The Laws of England – Chapter 1.
Exhibit 7: Constructive Notice and Declaration.
Exhibit 8: CROWN Disclosure.
Exhibit 9: MNRF Tickets.
The bullshit decision for this Application: completely ignored everything I stated as fact and law. This decision was made by this woman, (The Honourable? – more like “the incompetent/corrupt?”) Kristin Muszynski.
Notice of Motion 1 – Meads v Meads / an order to keep the judge neutral and unbias.
File 1: The Meads Motion (debunking key points in Meads v Meads).
File 2: Affidavit of Truth.
Exhibit 1: Government of ONTARIO is a “corporation”.
Exhibit 2: Government of CANADA is a “corporation”.
Exhibit 3: CANADA corporation on the SEC.
Exhibit 4: Provicial CORPORATIONS.
Exhibit 6: Blackstone’s Commentaries on The Laws of England – Chapter 1.
Exhibit 7: First women to be recognized as a “legal person” in CANADA.
Exhibit 8: Star Article about BIRTH CERTIFICATES and becoming a “person”.
Exhibit 9: Canadian Style, A Guide to Writing and Editing (Gov. publication).
Exhibit 10: Maxims of Common Law (document from a USA law course).
Notice of Motion 2 – The Person Motion / Jurisdiction.
File 1: Person Motion / Defining words in the acts and codes.
File 2: Affidavit of Truth.
Exhibit 1: Blackstone’s Commentaries on The Laws of England – Chapter 1.
Exhibit 2: Rex v. Sung Chong.
Exhibit 3: Constructive Notice and Declaration.
Notice of Motion 3 – No person can be convicted by persons in possession of de facto power.
File 1: De Facto Motion – no authority under de facto gov.
File 2: Affidavit of Truth.
Exhibit 1: Governor General’s own admission.