The Unjust Justice System

Long Intro Page

Hello, and Welcome,

i created this site for the purpose of bringing awareness to something that is crucially important to each and every one of us. It is something that has long been fought for and the people who fought for it should be honored every day. It is something that is in grave jeopardy of being lost — possibly forever — with the evolution of technology and now the BIG global CoVID Lie

It’s our liberties – our very freedoms — and The Law that has long been established to protect and preserve them. If this law is not learned, understood and expressed by each and every one of us as common knowledge, the battle for freedom will never be won. And to just put your mind at ease as far as learning the law, it’s not what you think… it’s not about reading and understanding the thousands of acts, codes, by-laws, etc., etc., that were passed by a bunch of corrupt politicians who are nothing more then the heads of corporations such as CANADA, ONTARIO, ALBERTA, etc., etc,. [DO NOT confuse them with such places with names like Ontario and the Province of Ontario – they are different. This is actually where “one” instance of the problem lies.] It’s about the principles of law that make up the Common Law which is our heritage. It’s also the case law that supports the Common Law principle arguments that have long been established and that are eternal because they represent the roots of our freedoms. Although there is more to it than this, the following picture illustrates what I’m talking about…

Our laws are the foundation of our freedoms - common lawFreedom

Unfortunately, our education system, as well as the mainstream media, don’t educate the public about the roots of our freedoms and how crucially important it is that they are protected at home and not just abroad. Historically, in all tyrannical countries of the past and present, it is the hidden elements of treason within the governing bodies of those countries that eventually lead the government of that country, as well as the people of that country, down the path of tyranny and destruction. Who stands up to fight it? First and foremost it should be The People (if they are educated) rising up against their government to keep the politicians in check. If they can’t or will not, then other countries will eventually have to get involved in an all out war.

Now consider this: If the USA, Canada, Australia and the countries of Western Europe are all taken over by corporate tyrants that are always attempting to control our lives and take away our liberties, then what other powerful, Common Law / Common wealth countries will be left to fight them on our behalf? Would we not now have a one world government? What will the vision of this government be? An often-cited quote by Lord Acton would be well remembered here, “Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely.”

Through many centuries, the founding fathers of great free nations have instilled one true path of law that never can part ways with what liberty actually is and what it stands for. It is our very foundation for Freedom. At this point it is necessary to bring your attention to another great quote from an historic individual whom we should all look up to… “Honest Abe” (Abraham) Lincoln said it best when he said, “In giving freedom to the slave, we assure freedom to the free — honorable alike in what we give, and what we preserve. We shall nobly save, or meanly lose, the last best hope of earth.”


Divide and Conquer

i am sure most of us are familiar with the phrase “divide and conquer”? We, and when i say we, i mean the whole world now – thanks to the BIG global CoVID Lie, are divided. There is absolutely no doubt about it — the proof is the fact that the world’s “controlled” mainstream media is pumping out propaganda like never before.

Here is a quote from one of the world’s greatest propagandists, Joseph Goebbels:

“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”

Can you see how easy it is to create division with such a strategy? If you actually got off your ass and made your way to Ottawa when the trucker’s moved in with the Freedom Convoy, you would have seen with your own eyes the love and support that occurred. If you stayed home and watched the mainstream propaganda you saw the complete opposite – all lies!! Division from the small percentage who see the truth and the masses of people who are lazy and prefer to believe the lies they are being bombarded with. Outside of the German allied underground, ask yourself how the German people (almost 90 million) went along with a governing body that committed such atrocities (destroying themselves in the end) against the small percent who knew what was actually going on and rose up???

The Gettysburg Address speaks to the many lives lost for a “noble” cause. Let me quote “Honest Abe” once again: “…that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom — and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.” So here is the great divide (and i will para-phrase here): we currently live in times where it is “government of the corporations, by the corporations, for the corporations”. And a large part of the populace (now a global phenomenon) appears to be ignorant of this fact. So, are we on the verge of a great civil war because so many people are so out of touch with our heritage – and the Truth!?!? The Declaration of Independence speaks of our unalienable rights (those rights that cannot be sold or transferred without our consent) and any form of government that seeks to put an end to these rights — that We The People have the right to abolish that government. The law is the law and it has been the same for centuries. It is the Common Law that protects and preserves these unalienable rights. Look at the Goebbels quote again, what is the enemy of the state??

Any laws made by man — most specifically in the last 100 years or so — and from this moment moving forward, have no force and effect if they move away from this foundation. The foundation for all of our laws are the long established principles (defined in law dictionaries as self-evident truths) that recognize the supremacy of God (where we have God-given natural rights – naturally) and the rule of law – the Common Law — that is to be followed by everyone. It is common because it is common to all of us and derives from common sense — or at least it should be, if we are all educated about it rather than being kept ignorant of it. This concept would make us a People of principles and in turn… responsible men and women. In other words, we should all know this as it would lead all man kind in a more desirable direction.


The Right To Bear Arms

i have challenged some statutory laws being enforced upon me by what is perceived to be an oppressive government that is growing in it its ability to flex its muscle. This is exactly what the founding fathers and law professors of centuries ago (and even key individuals dealing with the aftermath of the fairly recent tragedies of WWII) wanted us to avoid. The main reason that the “right to bear arms” is in the American Bill of Rights, is to protect the American people from the tyranny of their own government.

And make no mistake, the government is heavily backed and run by the corporate elite. The Corporation and Inside Job are two must watch films [there are actually many more to chose from] that will give you a full scope of the type of people that are attempting to run our lives. i don’t want to get into all the story lines as to why we, as a society, have come to where we are today – that would just take too long. But that isn’t to say you shouldn’t do your own due diligence and educate yourself with some alternative information resources (that “corporate” mainstream TV should be airing daily and are not). What i do want to share with you is the law and my experiences in the courtrooms as a self-represented litigant bringing that law to the attention of the presiding judges and justices of the peace – my observances of the performance of our public servants in conducting their duties, and most specifically, their ability (or inability) to conduct a proper hearing.

To be blatant in describing these experiences: it has been a brutal display of unprofessionalism and we are in deep trouble if we don’t get this turned around. That being said, those same judges get huge failing grades as they appear to be either completely incompetent or completely corrupt.


Spilt Blood

Our founding fathers have given us something that we, as a society, are taking very much for granted. It’s the sole reason why there has been so much spilt blood – to have a system of justice that serves not one man, but indeed serves all men …equally (and it sure wasn’t established to serve “corporate interests”). To put this into perspective, consider the phrase: “The pen is mightier than the sword”. Which would YOU rather use to defend your liberties? When they come knocking on your door on a regular basis to confiscate your income (Convoy supporters???), your property – escalating into taking your family or friends – even your life (in other words, living everyday in fear as if you were living in East Berlin during WWII [you need to picture this — i can’t emphasize it enough as it is a growing reality in our world today with a new world government on the horizon]), what will you do about it? The time to avoid this worst case scenario is now!

This path was taken in search of the truth – the search of the truth that is the Law. There is only One Law and it is the law that was established over many hundreds of years – long before any of us were born. We have our freedoms/liberties today because so much blood was spilt in the quest to forge those liberties with this One Law.


Maxims of Law

This Law was established with hundreds of principle sayings (known as Maxims that were originally written in Latin) that make up our Common Law – that which is our heritage and cannot be denied to us. To deny us of our heritage is to deny us freedom and justice. And this action against us must be construed as an act of treason against us and those who died in defense of our freedoms. If we don’t get this right at this most critical time in human history where technology is advancing at a ridiculous pace, The People will be enslaved by Evil (yes, I said it, Evil). In the HBO John Adams mini-series, the great John Adams mentions “maxims” in a hard hitting speech – watch the 90 second speech by clicking here.

And to be very clear as to the definition of MAXIM, The Dictionary of Canadian Law, third edition defines it as: A general principle; an axiom. And the same dictionary defines AXIOM as: A truth which is indisputable. Maxims are often referred to as legal maxims or Maxims of Law. In Meads vs Meads, Justice J. D. Rooke* declares legal maxims to be “irrelevant”. This is a perfect example of how our justice system has been poisoned with new established case law by an incompetent or corrupt judge. Incompetence or corruption, either way it is an act of treason and this judge needs to pay the price!

Statutory laws now number in the thousands with many of them being legislated into power under the cloak of public safety. Some are even done in secrecy or at the very least under our noses with little to no attention from the mainstream media. Why? Or should I ask, how? Because the Corporate Elite control the media! Money controls the world and “money is the root of all evil” (but I should add to that by saying it is the system which has led to the majority of the worlds wealth being in the hands of the few… call it capitalism, which led to corporatism, and is leading us to globalism and a One World Government). The only thing that can protect us from the evils of tyrannical governments is We The People, armed with knowledge, standing up and instilling a justice system that knows and maintains the rule of law – Common Law. In Canada, that route is via The Myth is Canada.

“I see in the near future a crisis approaching. It unnerves me and causes me to tremble for the safety of my country. The money powers preys upon the nation in times of peace and conspires against it in times of adversity. It is more despotic than a monarchy, more insolent than autocracy, more selfish than bureaucracy. It denounces, as public enemies, all who question its methods or throw light upon its crimes. I have two great enemies, the Southern Army in front of me and the financial institutions at the rear, the latter is my greatest foe. Corporations have been enthroned, and an era of corruption in high places will follow, and the money power of the country will endeavor to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices of the people until the wealth is aggregated in the hands of a few, and the Republic is destroyed.”
~ Abraham Lincoln, letter to William Elkins, Nov 21, 1864
(just after the passage of the debt causing National Bank Act [June 3, 1864], right before assassination) ~

How very prophetic, don’t ya think?


Where Liberty Derived From

One Maxim of Common Law states:

“All men are free men or slaves.”
Omnes Homines Aut Liberi Sunt Aut Servi

That is a clear and indisputable truth in law. YOU are either free or YOU are a slave – there is NO in between here!

Another long settled principle of Common Law states:

“Statutes that derogate from the Common Law should be strictly construed.”
Quae communi legi derogant stricte interpretantur

When you understand the definition of “derogate”, which means, “detract from”, then this becomes a pretty clear statement that has long been settled by our forefathers. So let me put that maxim into words we can all relate to: “Statutes that move away from the Common Law should be explained and made clear very carefully.” I have asked a number of people in the past, “What is the common law and/or what are maxims?” People just don’t have the answer(s), they don’t know. What does this tell you? Is our education system missing something? Was this done by accident???

Our most historic documents [brought in by a de facto government – again, see The Myth is Canada] that state claim to our liberties such as the Canadian Bill of Rights and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms in Canada (similarly in countries alike), say something like “Whereas Canada is founded upon principles that recognize the supremacy of God and the rule of law…” This means there “is” a foundation (of principles) for all other laws with the end thought being that our liberties are first and foremost protected above all things. Hence the following principles:

“Liberty is more favored over all things.”
Libertas omnibus rebus favorabilior est


“Whenever there is an interpretation doubtful as to liberty (or slavery), the decision must be in the favor of liberty.”
Quotiens dubia interpretatio libertatis est, secundum libertatem respondendum erit.

You see? These principles clearly dictate to the court (the judge) that court decisions must be made in favor of liberty if the accused/defendant makes a strong argument where a natural right/unalienable right is being infringed upon.

Guess what? There are many Maxims of Law that relate to these ones and these are in-your-face-straight-forward principles of law that anyone could/should understand. Apparently, a number of justices of the peace and judges at all levels in our court system didn’t get the memo.

Let me share with you a taste (this is an example) of how I formed some of my arguments (in my cases) in this paragraph, but I will relate it to the “Maxims of Law” themselves because it is important to educate you in knowing that… “A maxim is so called because its dignity is chiefest and its authority is the most certain, and because it is most approved by all (Maxime ita dicta quia maxima est ejus dignitas et certissima auctoritas, atque quod maxime omnibus probetur) [chiefest means superior]. Remember, maxims are principles and these long established principles have guided us for over a millennium because Principles prove, they are not proved” (Principia probant, non probantur). You see, “Plain truths need not be proved” (Perspicua vera non sunt probanda)! Now you know, it has long been established that “There is no disputing against one who denies first principles” (Non est disputandum contra principia negantem) and while I have ventured into the courts to seek the truth, this has been the exact scenario that has played out — I’m disputing the law with people who don’t recognize the principles that recognize the supremacy of God and the rule of law. This is clear evidence that the justice system in Canada is a complete farce and a failure to We The People – to say the least.

i now realize that this has all occurred because our courts are not Common Law courts at all. Meaning: they are courts of of commerce operating under Maritime / Admiralty jurisdiction dealing with commercial instruments. When you go into a courtroom today in Ontario and just about everywhere else on the planet, the people acting in a “fictional” capacity – the judge or JP – only recognize fictional persona as this 5 minute cartoon explains. Everything relates to the commercial instrument created by the corporation known as ONTARIO which created the fictional person/commercial instrument know as, are you ready for it….. the Birth Certificate!!


A Journey Taken

The Act of law (statute) that forces me to sign a contract (for car insurance) violates numerous principles of law. To put it simply, i was being forced to sign a contract or have my natural right to use the road taken away. This is an infringement upon my natural right to use the the public roads — the natural right to free mobility. And don’t get me wrong here, i don’t have a problem with acquiring insurance, but I refuse to pay excessive rates — to a government forged monopoly — while I have a 40 year accident free record travelling on the public roads in my personal property.

With this perception (in all my cases) and armed with more than three dozen Maxims of Common Law and plenty of case law spanning 100 years, I have ventured down the path of truth. The truth not only of the law that I have provided before judges/JPs, but also in search of the truth of whether or not our courts are just or unjust courts by following through with the Law that has long been established and their duty to perform diligently as neutral parties weighing the strongest arguments brought forward by the opposing parties — then making the “honorable” decision that is “just”.

That just did not happen – see the Birth Certificate paragraph above.

If there is no justice in our courts, then this is not a free country. The natural right to use the public roads is a most basic right and it is a “natural right” that has been established in case law. Natural Rights are common rights, they are Common Law Rights and as long as you use the roads responsibly (not bringing harm to your fellow man) — then there is nothing that anyone can “lawfully” do to stop you. This is the supreme law of the land.

The end result is quite shameful in regards to the way the courts responded to my challenging the statutory laws that are infringing on these liberties. The transcripts and any other documentation I am able to provide represent the evidence in support of my claims.

My suggested solution to this failed justice system is a number of Common Law courts being re-established across Canada where “non-appointed” judges (they are voted in by an educated public body) are truly neutral judges who are well-versed in the Maxims of Common Law. And, unlike today where we have appointed judges who cannot be held accountable for their incompetent and/or corrupt behavior, there would have to be accountability built into the system in order to uphold the integrity of the courts.

The way to do this is to educate people about our history. If Canada and the provinces have been sovereign states that have had de facto governments running them, We The People need to step up and change that by holding constitutional conventions and creating de jure governing bodies and courts. Learn more at

Just so that The People know what is at stake; the basic court process and the Common Law should be “mandatory education” in the provinces (and every country for that matter). How can The People protect and preserve their liberties if they know nothing of the roots of those liberties and the basics of the court process that is available to them? If a de jure governing system was in place since WWII ended, it is my belief that we would have a completely prosperous country with much more equality and fewer of the greedy and controlling Corporate Elite. Knowledge is power and the knowledge of the roots of our freedoms and the basics on how to use the court system (that is supposed to be there to serve and protect us) is the power that has been given to us by our forefathers.

In other words, 2-3 generations of judges, prosecutors, politicians, and lawyers have essentially destroyed what dozens of generations of the same before them have built over many centuries.

You will want to read these PDF files to educate yourself about the Maxims of Common Law and Natural Law. These documents were written by a successful lawyer in the United States who sells a law course called Jurisdictionary. These 2 documents are from that law course.

A video will be linked below in the near future sharing my knowledge and experiences… check back here soon.