The Unjust Justice System

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Below you will find:

  1. Key Documents for Learning.
  2. Links to the recommended Motions to Grant a Stay of the Proceedings (Dismiss the charge(s)).
  3. A list of all the case documents that were filed for each case. Includes complaints for Case 1.


1  Key Documents:

  1. Maxims of Common Law.
  2. The Search for Natural Law.
  3. R. v. Stinchcombe — I highlighted key portions of this document for quick navigation.
  4. Key case law from the Crown Newsletter where a judge states (R. v. Felts at page 9-10) that the majority of “appointed” judges and justices of the peace come to their positions with no experience in the legal profession whatsoever. [Still shaking my head at this.]


2   These are the motions I would recommend reading. They have edits made from previous versions/filings as well as the corrections made from typos/errors. You only need to read the core argument within each motion which is 5 pages long:

  1. Jurisdiction Motion from Case 6 — Motion to Grant a Stay of Proceedings.
  2. Right to Use The Road from Case 6 — Section 7 Charter Application.
  3. Forced Insurance Contract Case 5 — Section 7 Charter Application.


3  List of all case documents:

Case 1 (Speeding; Driving Without Insurance) (none of my arguing motions were filed for this case, but the jurisdiction motion was dealt with verbally):

  1. Prosecutor Complaint.
  2. Justice of the Peace Complaint.
  3. July 19th Trial Transcript.
  4. Outline of the false statements the prosecutor made to vilify me before the Justice of the Peace.
  5. First Appeal hearing transcript where I gave grounds for the appeal (the one where I was told to “shut up” by a Judge Duncan).
  6. The main Appeal Hearing.
  7. Factum and Authorities book for first appeal which appeared to be ignored.
  8. Justice Duncan’s flawed Reasons For Judgment.
  9. Court of Appeal for Ontario hand written endorsement/decision.
  10. Motion Record for second appeal to the Supreme Court of Ontario (Court of Appeal for Ontario) which again appeared to have been ignored and a complete waste of my time putting together.


Case 2 (Driving with Hand Held Device):

  1. Motion Challenging Jurisdiction.


Case 3 (Driving Under Suspension; Use Plates Not Authorized by the Ministry; Use Validation [sticker] Not Furnished by the Ministry; Fail to Surrender Permit for Motor Vehicle; and Fail to Surrender Insurance Card):

  1. Motion Challenging Jurisdiction.
  2. Right to Use The Road — Section 7 Charter Application, amended version. This is the version used moving forward with edits here in there for each case.


Case 4 (Fail to Stop at a Stop Sign; Driving Under Suspension):

  1. Motion Challenging Jurisdiction.
  2. Right to Use The Road — Section 7 Charter Application.


Case 5 (Drive Motor Vehicle with No Insurance; Use Validation [sticker] Not Furnished by the Ministry; No Validation Permit):

  1. Motion Challenging Jurisdiction.
  2. Right to Use The Road — Section 7 Charter Application.
  3. Forced Insurance Contract Case 5 — Section 7 Charter Application.


Case 6 (No Valid Permit):

  1. Motion Challenging Jurisdiction
  2. Right to Use The Road — Section 7 Charter Application.


Case 7 (Assault with Intent to Resist Arrest — Criminal Charge):

  1. Roadside notes and notes made at the police station from officer’s report.
  2. Trial Transcript.
  3. Final Submissions.
  4. Justice Bovard’s Reasons For Judgment.