Below you will find:
- Key Documents for Learning.
- Links to the recommended Motions to Grant a Stay of the Proceedings (Dismiss the charge(s)).
- A list of all the case documents that were filed for each case. Includes complaints for Case 1.
1 Key Documents:
- Maxims of Common Law.
- The Search for Natural Law.
- R. v. Stinchcombe — I highlighted key portions of this document for quick navigation.
- Key case law from the Crown Newsletter where a judge states (R. v. Felts at page 9-10) that the majority of “appointed” judges and justices of the peace come to their positions with no experience in the legal profession whatsoever. [Still shaking my head at this.]
2 These are the motions I would recommend reading. They have edits made from previous versions/filings as well as the corrections made from typos/errors. You only need to read the core argument within each motion which is 5 pages long:
- Jurisdiction Motion from Case 6 — Motion to Grant a Stay of Proceedings.
- Right to Use The Road from Case 6 — Section 7 Charter Application.
- Forced Insurance Contract Case 5 — Section 7 Charter Application.
3 List of all case documents:
Case 1 (Speeding; Driving Without Insurance) (none of my arguing motions were filed for this case, but the jurisdiction motion was dealt with verbally):
- Prosecutor Complaint.
- Justice of the Peace Complaint.
- July 19th Trial Transcript.
- Outline of the false statements the prosecutor made to vilify me before the Justice of the Peace.
- First Appeal hearing transcript where I gave grounds for the appeal (the one where I was told to “shut up” by a Judge Duncan).
- The main Appeal Hearing.
- Factum and Authorities book for first appeal which appeared to be ignored.
- Justice Duncan’s flawed Reasons For Judgment.
- Court of Appeal for Ontario hand written endorsement/decision.
- Motion Record for second appeal to the Supreme Court of Ontario (Court of Appeal for Ontario) which again appeared to have been ignored and a complete waste of my time putting together.
Case 2 (Driving with Hand Held Device):
- Motion Challenging Jurisdiction.
Case 3 (Driving Under Suspension; Use Plates Not Authorized by the Ministry; Use Validation [sticker] Not Furnished by the Ministry; Fail to Surrender Permit for Motor Vehicle; and Fail to Surrender Insurance Card):
- Motion Challenging Jurisdiction.
- Right to Use The Road — Section 7 Charter Application, amended version. This is the version used moving forward with edits here in there for each case.
Case 4 (Fail to Stop at a Stop Sign; Driving Under Suspension):
- Motion Challenging Jurisdiction.
- Right to Use The Road — Section 7 Charter Application.
Case 5 (Drive Motor Vehicle with No Insurance; Use Validation [sticker] Not Furnished by the Ministry; No Validation Permit):
- Motion Challenging Jurisdiction.
- Right to Use The Road — Section 7 Charter Application.
- Forced Insurance Contract Case 5 — Section 7 Charter Application.
Case 6 (No Valid Permit):
- Motion Challenging Jurisdiction
- Right to Use The Road — Section 7 Charter Application.
Case 7 (Assault with Intent to Resist Arrest — Criminal Charge):
- Roadside notes and notes made at the police station from officer’s report.
- Trial Transcript.
- Final Submissions.
- Justice Bovard’s Reasons For Judgment.